Resilient together

Show notes

About this episode: The fourth episode of the second season deals with the topic of community engagement and how climate action projects can empower whole communities. This time, Maria del Carmen Pacheco from Honduras is speaking about projects that conduct climate action on a community-based level. She grew up in the SOS Children’s Village of Tegucigalpa and is active int the Youth Links project which supports young people and their business or societal projects.

Guests: Maria del Carmen Pacheco (24) is a young woman from Honduras. She grew up in the SOS Children’s Village in Tegucigalpa. Due to her concern about the climate crisis, she started community-based projects in which climate and environmental education are provided to the people in a vulnerable community. Maria also shares her experience with how such projects can unfold and develop a snow-ball effect, thus reaching more people and being self-sufficient.

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